
The Student Visa 500 will allow you to study in Australia while a Student Guardian Visa 590 will allow a guardian (see below for who can be a guardian) to come to Australia to provide care and support for a Student Visa holder who is under 18 years of age. 

What can you do with a Student Visa ?


  • You can pursue a full-time course at an Australian educational institution, such as a school, college, or university. This includes both degree and non-degree courses. 


  • While holding a Student Visa 500, you are generally allowed to work a specified number of hours per week during the academic semester and full-time during scheduled breaks. From July 2023, a student visa holder is allowed to work up to 48 hours per fortnight. However, international students who study masters by research or doctoral program can work without limit.  


  • Your immediate family members, such as your spouse or dependent children, can apply for visas to join you in Australia.  


  • The Student Visa 500 is usually granted for the duration of your course. It may include an additional period at the end to allow for any necessary coursework or examinations. 

Multiple Entry

  • The visa is generally granted as a multiple-entry visa, which means you can leave and re-enter Australia as long as the visa is valid. 

Work After Graduation

  • After completing your studies in Australia, you may be eligible for a Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485) or other work-related visas, which allow you to work in Australia for a specific period to gain practical experience in your field of study. 

Who can apply for an Australia Student Visa 500? 

You need to be at least 6 years old to apply for the Student Visa 500. Plus, you must be registered as a full-time student at a recognised Australian institution for an approved course. Finally, you or your guardian must organise proper welfare arrangements during your stay in Australia if you are under 18. 

To be eligible to apply for a Student Visa 500, you generally need to meet the following criteria: 


  • You must be at least 6 years old to apply for the Student Visa 500.

Also, you must:  

  • Less than 17 years old when you start Year 9 
  • Less than 18 years old when you start Year 10 
  • Less than 19 years old when you start Year 11 
  • Less than 20 years old when you start Year 12 

Enrolment: You must have been accepted into a full-time course of study at a registered education institution in Australia. This can include primary school, secondary school, vocational education and training (VET) courses, higher education (university) courses, English language courses.  

Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE): You must have provided a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from your chosen education institution, which serves as proof that you have been accepted to study there. 

If you apply for 2 or more courses as a study package, then you must have submitted the CoEs of all courses.  

  • Genuine Student Test (GS): The new GS requirement replaces the previous 300-word statement with a list of targeted questions. These questions give visa decision makers information about you and your reasons for wanting to study in Australia, which gives context to the documentary evidence that you provide in support your application.
  • Sufficient Financial Means: You may need to demonstrate that you have the financial means to cover your tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs while studying in Australia. You may need to provide bank statements or other financial documentation. 
  • Health Insurance: You are required to maintain Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire duration of your stay in Australia. 
  • English Language Proficiency: Depending on your course and education provider, you may need to provide evidence of your English language proficiency through standardised tests like IELTS, PTE, TOEFL, or other accepted exams. 
  • Welfare arrangement: If you are under 18 years old when applying for a student visa, then you must have welfare arranged in Australia. You can stay in student accommodation arranged by your institution, homestay or live with your guardian.  
  • Health and Character Requirements: You must meet certain health and character requirements. This may include medical examinations and police clearances. 

Not sure if you are eligible for study in Australia and eligible for a student visa? Contact our team on 07 3003 1899 today for free eligible check and free education consultations.  

How to apply for a Student Visa Subclass 500? 

Step 1: Prepare the required documentation

You need to gather all required documents. The required documents may vary, depending on your country of originality. However, below is general documentation for a student visa 500.  

  • Passport: A copy of the identification page of your passport. 
  • CoE: The Confirmation of Enrolment provided by your educational institution. 
  • OSHC: Proof of Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) that covers the entire duration of your stay in Australia. 
  • Financial Documents: Evidence that you have sufficient funds to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other costs. 
  • English Proficiency: If required for your course, proof of English language proficiency. 
  • GS Statements: A Genuine Student (GS) statement answering the questions showing your intentions to study in Australia. 
  • Health and Character Documents: This may include medical examinations and police clearances. 
  • Passport-sized photos. 
  • Welfare arrangement: If you are under 18 years old, you need to submit the evidence of welfare arrangement.  

If you are applying from outside of Australia, you should apply for a 500 visa 12 weeks before your course begins.  

Step 2: Apply online

You must apply online via ImmiAccount on the Australian Department of Home Affairs website. 

  • Log in to your ImmiAccount and select “New application” to start a Student Visa (Subclass 500) application. 
  • Fill out the application form accurately.  
  • Attach the required documents to your online application. 
  • Pay the application fee. 

Step 3: Wait for the visa outcome

  • Depending on your nationality and personal circumstances, you may need to provide biometrics as part of the application process.  
  • The Department of Home Affairs also may require you to complete health examinations after you lodge your visa application.  
  • If your visa is approved, you will receive a visa grant notification with details of your visa grant number, the expiry dates and visa conditions. 

What is the student visa 500 processing time? 

The processing time for a student visa varies, depending on your courses.  

  • English Courses: 90% of Student Visa – Independent ELICOS Sector – is processed in 28 days.  
  • Vocational Education Courses: 90% of Student Visa – Vocational Education and Training Sector – is processed in 59 days.  
  • Higher Education Courses: 90% of Student Visa – Higher Education Sector – is processed in 29 days.  
  • Postgraduate Research Courses: 90% of Student Visa – Postgraduate Research Sector – is processed in 58 days.  
  • Primary and High School Courses: 90% of Studetn Visa – School Sector – is processed in 105 days.  

How much does it cost to apply for a Student Visa 500 


Primary Applicant  Additional Applicant Charge 18+  Additional Applicant Charge under 18 
$1,600  $1,190 $390

 *Subsequent Temporary Application : $700


Can I bring my family members on a Student Visa 500?

Yes, you can include your immediate family members (spouse and under 18 years old dependent children) in your visa application. If your children have turned 18 years old or if your children get married at the time of visa being granted, then they have to apply for their own visa. 

Your dependents applying with you need to meet the health and character requirements.  

What is the limit on working hours for student visa subclass 500 holders?

While holding a Student Visa 500, you are generally allowed to work a specified number of hours per week during the academic semester and full-time during scheduled breaks. From July 2023, a student visa holder is allowed to work up to 48 hours per fortnight. However, international students who study masters by research or doctoral program can work without limit.  

Can dependents of a student visa 500 holder work in Australia?

Yes, your dependent is allowed to work in Australia. However, the number of working hours allowed will depend on your student visa stream. For example, if you are studying master or doctorate degree, then your dependent can work fulltime. Please check your visa conditions carefully before you and your dependent start working in Australia.  

Can I study part-time on a Student Visa 500?

The primary condition of a Student Visa 500 is that you must study full-time. There are limited exceptions for specific circumstances, but you must have a valid reason and receive approval from the Department of Home Affairs. 

Can I change my course or education provider on a Student Visa 500?

Yes, you can generally change your course or education provider and may need to re-apply for student visa, but you must comply with visa conditions and notify the Department of Home Affairs of any changes. Contact us to learn more!  

How long can you stay on student visa 500?

The duration of your student visa depends on the length of your courses you study.  

  • If your course length is less than 10 months, normally your student visa will expire in 1 month after your course finishes.  
  • If your course length is 10 months or longer and finishing from January to October, normally your student visa will expire in 2 months after your course finishes.  
  • If your course length is 10 months or longer and finishing from November to December, normally your student visa will be granted until 15 March of the following year.  

For postgraduate research and PHD students, the visa period is normally 6 months longer than the visa period mentioned above and can be until the end of year. This is because they may need to remain in Australia during the interactive marking of thesis.  

How can SOL Migration assist you in gaining a Student Visa 500?

SOL Migration has a strong team of 6 experienced Registered Migration Agents. Our Registered Migration Agents will assess your eligibility and guide you through the process of applying for the visas you require. We will assist you in preparing all the relevant documents for your application. 

Contact us today on 07 3003 1899 or fill out the enquiry form. Our team will contact you within 24 hours at the latest!  


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