
The TRA (Trades Recognition Australia) skill assessment evaluates the skills and qualifications of individuals aiming to work in a trade occupation in Australia. This assessment is also crucial for those seeking migration to Australia with a trade occupation such as carpentry, chef, moto mechanic and more. 

The TRA skill assessment involves a rigorous process where applicants demonstrate their trade skills, experience, and qualifications to meet the Australian standards. The assessment typically includes a combination of educational qualification review, practical assessments, and sometimes, technical interviews. There are many programs from TRA, and we only focus on Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) and Job ready program here. 

What are requirements for a TRA skill assessment?  

There are 4 steps to pass a TRA skill assessment(including Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA) and Job ready program):   

Step 1 – Provisional Skills Assessment (PSA)  

To pass this step, you must have a qualification directly related to your nominated occupation that was awarded by the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) as a result of studies in Australia.  

The processing time for this step is currently within 3 months and the PSA outcome is valid for up to 3 years from the issue date.  

The assessment fee for this step is $130.    

Step 2 – Job Ready Employment (JRE)   

This step is to help you gain necessary experience within an Australian workplace and help you foster your relevant skills to your chosen occupation.  

To pass this step, you must:   

  • Complete at least 1725 hours of fulltime or equivalent part-time paid employment over a minimum of 12 months from your JRE start date. If you take extended leave or have any period of unemployment, it will take you longer to complete this step.  
  • Find suitable employment that is approved by Trades Recognition Australia  
  • Submit the JRE application when your PSA is still valid 
  • Have completed a Skills Progress Report (self-assessment record of the skills and activities you have undertaken in your workplace as you develop your skills in your occupation) six months after your JRE start date or when you are deemed eligible for Step 3 (see below for details)   
  • The assessment fee for Job Ready Employment is $490. 

The processing time for an JRE application is lengthy, which can take up to 6 months to have the assessment outcome.  

Step 3 – Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA)   

This step is to assess whether or not you have ability to work at the skill level required for your occupation in Australia.  

To pass this step, you must:    

  • Provide evidence of paid employment in your occupation for at least 863 hours over a minimum of 6 months from your JRE start date.   
  • Provide an acceptable Skills Progress Report (SPR), Employment Verification Report (EVR) and any other required evidence confirming you are performing the expected tasks and duties to a suitable standard for your occupation.   
  • Have your employer signed your EVR and confirmed that they agree to the assessment being conducted at your workplace.   
  • You must pay $2845 for the assessment fee.  

The current processing time is 5 months, however, if you apply after November 2023, you may be contacted within 60 days from the application date.  

Step 4 – Job Ready Final Assessment (JRFA)   

You must:   

  • Have a successful Job Ready Workplace Assessment (JRWA) outcome,  
  • Have completed the employment requirements of Job Ready Employment (JRE) by providing evidence of paid employment in your occupation of at least 1725 hours over a minimum of 12 months from your JRE start date.  
  • The fee for Job Ready Final Assessment Review is $75. 

The current processing time for this step is within 1.5 months from the application date.  

Check if you are eligible for a TRA migration skill assessment? Contact us today at 07 3003 1899 or hello@solmigration.com. Our experienced migration agents will contact you within 24 hours at the latest.  

What is the TRA Skill Assessment Checklist? 

The TRA skill assessment checklist may vary depending on each step.  

Step 1 – PSA 

Below are the documents that you need to submit for PSA assessment: 

  • Copy of your current passport  
  • Evidence of name changes if applicable 
  • Full qualification details including Certificate and Records of Results that clearly show the commencement and completion dates.  

Step 2 – JRE  

You are required to submit the employment documentation to demonstrate your work experience in Australian workplace, which includes but not limited to:  

  • An Employment Verification Report (EVR) for each employer that you registered in your application.  
  • Evidence of employment payment (e.g., payslip, bank statement, superannuation records, etc.) for the whole employment period that you claim in your application.  
  • A skills progress report (SPR) that shows your self-assessment about the skills and tasks that you undertook in your workplace.  
  • Copy of your passport if it is different from that you submitted for the PSA step.  
  • Any evidence of name changes if applicable.  

Step 3 – JRWA 

You will need to show that you have completed at least 6 months of fulltime employment or part-time equivalent. Below is the documentation that you may be required to complete:  

  • Evidence of 6 months full-time employment (e.g., payslip, bank statement, superannuation records, etc.) 
  • EVRs for each employer that you have worked for,  
  • A skills progress report (SPR) that points out the skills and duties that you have taken during the last 6 months.  
  • A successful JRE 

Step 4 – JRFA  

For this step, you must complete at least 12 months of full-time paid employment or equivalent part-time, so you need to update all the employment documents to show you already satisfy this requirement, for example:   

  • Evidence of 12 months full-time employment or equivalent part-time (e.g., payslip, bank statement, superannuation records, etc.) 
  • EVRs for each employer that you have worked for,  
  • SPRs that points out the skills and duties that you have taken during the last 12 months.  
  • A successful JRWA 

Wish to know if your employment documents meet the requirements for a TRA skill assessment? Contact our experienced migration agents today at 07 3003 1899 or hello@solmigration.com 

How to apply for a TRA Skill Assessment?  

To apply for a Skills Assessment through Trades Recognition Australia (TRA) in Australia, follow these general steps: 

Check Eligibility: 

  • Verify that your occupation is eligible for a Skills Assessment through TRA.  
  • Check if you meet the qualification and/or experience required for each step of a TRA skill assessment.  

Gather Required Documents: 

  • Collect all necessary documents as per the TRA’s requirements. This usually includes identification documents, educational certificates, employment evidence, and any additional specific documents related to your occupation. 

Submit an Online Application: 

Pay the Fees: 

  • Pay the required fees for the Skills Assessment. Fees can vary depending on the occupation and assessment type. 
  • Please note that your TRA skill assessment application is only considered and assessed once the application fee is paid.  

Contact our experienced migration agent today at 07 3003 1899 or hello@solmigration.com  if you need help with the TRA application process 

What is the TRA skill assessment fee?  

The TRA skills assessment fee varies depending on each step.  

The application fee for step 1 – PSA is $130.  

The application fee for step 2 – JRE is $490.  

The application fee for step 3 – JRWA is $2845.  

The application fee for step 4 – JRA is $75.  


How long does the TRA assessment process take?

The processing time for step 1 – PSA is 3 months. 

The processing time for step 2 – JRE is up to 6 months.  

The processing time for step 3 – IRWA is 5 months, however, if you apply after November 2023, you may be contacted within 60 days from the application date. 

The processing time for step 4 – JRA is 1.5 months.  

Is work experience mandatory for a TRA skills assessment?

Work experience is a crucial and mandatory aspect of the assessment process. It helps demonstrate practical skills and competency in the trade. In your TRA skill assessment, you must submit all the documents to demonstrate that you have participated in workforce in Australia, and you have paid for your employment.  

Can I include volunteer or unpaid work experience in my TRA application?

TRA typically considers paid work experience as evidence for skills assessment. You can include your volunteer or unpaid work experience in your application, but bear in mind that only paid employment is assessed to see if you meet the work experience for a TRA skill assessment in Australia.   

Is there an English language requirement for TRA skills assessment?

While TRA doesn’t typically have specific English language requirements for skills assessment 

What if my trade qualification is from a country outside Australia?

If you are applying for TRA Skill Assessment – Job Ready Program, TRA considers trade qualifications obtained from accredited Australian institutions only. You must have completed an Australian qualification for the occupation that you are applying for.  

Contact us our Education Counsellor today at 07 3003 1899 or hello@soledu.net if you wish to know which trade courses are best for you and which trade course can help you migrate to Australia.  

Can I appeal a TRA skills assessment decision?

Yes, you may have the option to appeal or request a review of the decision if you believe there has been an error or if additional information needs consideration. If you need help with the appeal process, contact us today at 07 3003 1899 or hello@solmigration.com 

Can I use a positive TRA migration skills assessment for any visa category?

Yes, a positive TRA skills assessment is generally used for specific skilled migration visa categories in Australia. 

How can SOL Migration assist you with TRA skill assessment?     

SOL Migration has a strong team of 4 experienced Registered Migration Agents. Our Registered Migration Agents will assess your eligibility and guide you throughout all the application process. We will assist you in preparing all the relevant documents for your application. 

Contact us today on 07 3003 1899 or fill out the enquiry form. Our team will contact you within 24 hours at the latest!  

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